
“Sunflower on the Hill” is an emotional movie set in the countryside of Japan in 1983, you can’t see without tears. The main characters are played by known actresses, Takako Tokiwa, Misato Tanaka, and Tomoko Fujita (“Wataru seken wa oni bakari”), who all are famous for their roles in the popular TV dramas as part of the most-watched time slot, NHK’s Renzoku TV Shosetsu, “Mare,” “Aguri,” and “Non-chan no yume” respectively. Tokiwa has established her position in Japanese cinema and starred in “Seven Weeks,” directed by Nobuhiko Obayashi, who appeared at JFFLA as a guest in 2013. The same characters in their youth were played by Kyoko Yoshine, Takemi Fujii, and Haruka Momokawa, who were cast out of over 400 young actresses. Supporting actors include veteran actors such as Masahiko Tsugawa, Tetsuya Bessho, Setsuko Karasuma, and Shiro Namiki. It’s directed by Takafumi Ota, who has found a mentor in Director Nobuhiko Obayashi. He studied at USC School of Cinematic Artsand has kept shooting films about hometowns, set in beautiful rural Japan. Setting “Important messages for parents and kids” as his theme, he’s presenting a story, which must bring you tears and touch your heart this time too. Each of his films has screened all over the world including Cannes Film Market and Japan Film Festival Los Angeles, and is internationally acclaimed.

A struggling screenwriter in Tokyo, Takako, played by Takako Tokiwa, receives e-mail from her classmate from high school, Midori, played by Misato Tanaka, living in hometown, for the first time in 30 years. Suprised to hear that Midori is expected to live only for a few months, she contacts another friend from high school, Erika, played by Tomoko Fujita, who married an American man and doesn’t believe the news. Takako still lingers in the past after a sad incident from high school days, and she has never gone home. After struggling with her past, she decides to go home for the first time in 30 years. While going home, she remembers going to traditional cinema house every week with the best friends to see musical movies and chatting at taiyaki cafe after school. She also remembers she had a crush on a college student. She is stuck by nostalgia. But what awaits her back home is sad reality and separations… It’s a moving story you can’t see without tears.